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Energy Vampires- Identifying Them, Protecting Yourself From Them & Striving Not To Be Them

Do you ever feel exhausted or low after being in the company of certain individuals? These people, who drain your emotional and mental energy, leaving you feeling exhausted, depleted and sometimes even distressed, are known as energy vampires. It is important that you learn to identify these energy vampires and to protect yourself from their draining effects.


A man with his head in his hands. He is drained from energy vampires

Energy vampires come in various forms, and their methods of draining energy can be obvious or subtle. Here are some common traits and behaviours to watch out for:

  • Constant Complainers:

These people always have something to complain about, whether it's their job, relationships, or life in general. They thrive on negativity and can drag others down with their perpetual unhappiness.

  • Drama Magnets:

They attract drama like a magnet and often thrive on chaos and conflict. Being around them feels like being caught in a whirlwind of tension and stress.

  • Attention Seekers:

Energy vampires may constantly seek attention and validation, dominating conversations and making everything about themselves. They drain your energy by demanding your constant focus and approval.

  • Emotional Manipulators:

Some energy vampires use guilt, passive-aggressiveness, or emotional blackmail to get what they want. They leave you feeling emotionally drained and mentally exhausted after any interaction with them.

  • Victim Mentality:

People who constantly play the victim can drain your energy by making you feel responsible for their problems or blaming the world for everything that is going on in their lives. They expect everything to be fixed for them.



Police lines- do not cross: indicates creating boundaries to protect your energy

Now that you can recognize the signs of an energy vampire, it is important to implement strategies to protect your own energy and well-being:

Set Boundaries:

  • limit your time with the person.

  • avoid topics that you know will lead to negativity.

  • politely but firmly redirect conversations when they become draining.

Cultivate Personal Relationships:

  • Surround yourself with positive people who support and energise you. Spending time with individuals who radiate positivity and encouragement can help counterbalance the draining effects of energy vampires.

Protect Your Energy:

Develop habits and practices that replenish your energy reserves, such as

  • meditation and spending time in nature.

  • using crystals to protect and redirect negative energy (see below).

  • protecting your aura by visualising a coat of armour around you or a bubble of protection before you even leave your bedroom. This helps to avoid picking up any negative energy from anyone you come into contact with.

  • listening to certain frequencies on YouTube, Spotify, etc to help clear negative energy. Try searching for 417 Hz!

Practice Assertiveness:

Learn to assert yourself calmly and confidently. If an energy vampire crosses your boundaries or engages in behaviour that drains you, speak up assertively but respectfully. This can help prevent them from taking advantage of your empathy or goodwill.

  • Take deep breaths to maintain your composure & to help you think clearly and respond more effectively.

  • Use confident body language. Stand or sit up straight, maintain eye contact, and avoid fidgeting.

  • Use body language to signal that you want to speak. Raise your hand slightly to indicate, if needs be.

  • Speak clearly but avoid raising your voice.

  • Use terms such as “I’d like to add,” or “Can I share my perspective on this?” or “I see where you’re coming from, and I’d like to add another perspective to consider.”

  • Wait for a pause and politely change the subject.

Seek Professional Help if Necessary:

  • If you find yourself consistently struggling with interactions with energy vampires or feeling deeply affected by them, consider seeking support from a counsellor or therapist. They can provide guidance and tools to help you navigate challenging relationships more effectively.

Identifying and protecting yourself from energy vampires is essential for maintaining your emotional and mental well-being. By recognising the signs of an energy vampire and implementing strategies to protect your energy, you can cultivate healthier relationships and preserve your vitality. Remember, your energy is precious—guard it wisely and invest it in relationships and activities that nourish and uplift you.


“You can’t change the people around you, but you can change the people around you” – Quote by Joshua Fields Millburn

“You can’t change the people around you, but you can change the people around you” – Joshua Fields Millburn

Meaning- you cannot change the attitudes & behaviours of people, but you can choose to surround yourself with a more positive & supportive tribe.


Girl acting as a drama queen. How to recognise if you are an energy vampire?

Recognising energy vampires in your life is crucial, but an equally important, yet often overlooked, step is introspection. Sometimes, we might unknowingly demonstrate behaviours that drain others' energy. We all, at one time or another, go through stressful or traumatic times in our lives, where it can be very easy to unnoticeably become an energy vampire to those around us. Understanding and addressing these tendencies can lead to healthier relationships and personal growth.


  • You find yourself regularly seeking others' approval or attention to feel good about yourself, or constantly redirecting conversations back to yourself or your achievements.

  • You regularly complain about your life, job, relationships, or other aspects of your life. If you rarely see the positive side of things and often vent your frustrations, it could be draining for others.

  • You often feel that the world is against you and share these feelings with others, expecting sympathy and solutions, you might be draining their energy. Constantly viewing yourself as a victim can be exhausting for those who are trying to support you.

  • Your life is frequently filled with conflict and chaos. Creating drama or feeding off it can be emotionally draining for those around you.

  • You use guilt, passive-aggressiveness, or emotional blackmail to get what you want from others. This behaviour is particularly draining as it puts emotional pressure on others to meet your needs.

If you recognise any of these signs in yourself, it's important to take steps towards change. Here are some strategies:

PRACTICE SELF-AWARENESS: Try to notice if people seem drained or disengaged after spending time with you. Keeping a journal of your thoughts and behaviours can help identify patterns.

DEVELOP YOUR EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Work on understanding and managing your emotions and how to express your needs and feelings in a healthy, respectful way. Developing empathy for others can help you become more attuned to how your behaviour affects them.

SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP: A therapist or counsellor can provide valuable insights and strategies for change. They can help you understand the root causes of your behaviours and develop healthier ways to interact with others.

CULTIVATE POSITIVITY: Focus on the positive aspects of your life. Practice gratitude by regularly acknowledging things you're thankful for. Sharing positive experiences and emotions can uplift others rather than drain them.

SET PERSONAL GOALS: Work on developing self-sufficiency and confidence. Set goals that focus on your personal growth and happiness without relying heavily on others for validation.

COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY: Learn to communicate your needs and feelings without overwhelming others. Practice active listening, which shows that you value and respect the other person's perspective.

RESPECT BOUNDARIES: Be mindful of others' boundaries and time. Recognise when you might be overstepping and give people the space they need. Building respectful relationships helps ensure that interactions are mutually energising.

Recognising and addressing energy-draining behaviours in yourself is a vital step towards healthier, more fulfilling relationships. By practicing self-awareness, developing emotional intelligence, and making conscious efforts to change, you can transform from an energy vampire into a more positive and supportive presence in others' lives. Remember, the journey to self-improvement is ongoing, and seeking help when needed is a sign of strength, not weakness.


Here are some crystals commonly associated with protection and energy shielding, along with their benefits:

Red garnet crystal chips


Properties: Energy Protection & Emotional Healing

Benefits: It shields the Aura forming an energetic shield around your aura to ward off negative energies. It can purify and cleanse your aura, removing energetic blockages and promoting a free flow of energy. It helps to balance emotions and bring a sense of calm and tranquillity. It also boosts self-confidence and courage, empowering you to face challenges and protect your energetic space.

Amethyst crystal chips


Properties: Spiritual protection and purification

Benefits: Amethyst is a powerful stone for spiritual protection. It helps to purify the aura, providing a protective shield of spiritual light around the body. It also aids in reducing stress and anxiety.

Smoky Quartz crystal chips


Properties: Grounding and detoxification

Benefits: Smoky Quartz is excellent for grounding and neutralizing negative vibrations. It helps to detoxify the aura and remove electromagnetic smog.

Labradorite crystal chips


Properties: Protection and transformation

Benefits: Labradorite is considered a stone of transformation and protection. It creates a protective barrier, shielding the aura from negative energie.

Obsidian crystal chips


Properties: Grounding and protection

Benefits: Obsidian is a powerful grounding stone that provides deep protection. It helps to shield against negativity and remove emotional blockages.


Large crystal heart shaped floating glass lockets for crystal chips & charms

Wearing these crystals as jewellery keeps them close to your body, to continuously provide protective energy. Wearing them near the heart can be particularly effective in balancing emotions and protecting your aura. You can also meditate with your crystals by holding them in your hand or placing them near you. Visualise the crystals’ energy enveloping your aura, creating a protective shield.

Maintaining Your Crystals Effectiveness

To maintain the effectiveness of your crystals, it’s important to regularly cleanse and charge them.

Cleansing Your Crystals keeps their energy pure. This can be done through methods such as smudging with sage, placing them in moonlight, or using sound baths.

Charging your crystals infuses them with positive energy, enhancing their natural properties and making them more powerful.

Set Intentions: When you first get your crystals, hold them in your hand and set clear intentions for what you want them to help you with. This can enhance the crystals' effectiveness.


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